Businesses with a business interruption (BI) policy that covers ‘disease within a particular distance from the premises’ such as 1 mile or 25 mile radius can use the new FCA COVID-19 Calculator to help prove the presence of the virus in your area.
This calculator may help you if:
- you have an insurance policy that covers losses from business interruption caused by Coronavirus (Covid-19); and
- you need to prove the presence of Covid-19 in your policy area on a particular date.
It does this by identifying how many cases are likely to have occurred within your policy area on a given date.
The results can be used to support a claim under your business interruption insurance policy.
Click Here to access the BI Covid-19 Calculator (fca.org.uk)
For instructions on how to use the calculator click HERE
Map view
The calculator will produce a map with your results shown in the centre of the web page. The map will show your business premises at the centre with a circle to show the relevant policy area (RPA) for the calculation.
The calculator will carry out a “weighted averaging” calculation to estimate the number of cases for all of the lower tier local authorities (entirely or partially) within your policy area. You can find out more about the steps to carry out a “weighted average” distribution in Chapter 9 of the FCA’s Final Guidance and the Specification.
Results view
On the right hand side of the page you can review your results in detail.
You can also download a pdf report of your results (and a .csv file containing the underlying data) using the icon or by clicking ‘Download your report’.