The Importance of a Confirmed Claims Experience in Motor Fleet Insurance and Why You Need It for a Quotation.

ALDIUM Insurance

Fleet Operators

When managing a fleet of vehicles, ensuring you have the right motor fleet insurance is essential. One key piece of information insurance providers require is your confirmed claims experience, which plays a crucial role in assessing your risk profile and determining your premiums. But what exactly is a confirmed claims experience, and why is it necessary for obtaining a motor fleet insurance quotation?

What is a Confirmed Claims Experience?

A confirmed claims experience is an official record that documents the claims history of your fleet. It includes details such as the number of claims made, the nature of each claim (e.g., theft, accident, or damage), the costs incurred, and the resolution of those claims over a specific period, usually between 3 to 5 years. This history is typically provided by your previous or current insurer and serves as proof of your fleet’s risk management performance.

Why is a Confirmed Claims Experience Important?

  1. Accurate Risk Assessment
    Insurance providers use your claims experience to evaluate the risk associated with insuring your fleet. A clean claims history indicates lower risk, while a history with frequent or high-cost claims suggests greater potential risk. Insurers need this data to offer accurate and fair premium pricing. Without it, they may assume a higher level of risk, leading to inflated premiums or a refusal to offer cover.
  2. Premium Calculation
    Your confirmed claims experience directly influences the cost of your motor fleet insurance. If your fleet has a history of minimal or no claims, insurers are likely to offer lower premiums. Conversely, a high frequency of claims or significant payouts will lead to higher premiums as it suggests your fleet is more likely to face future incidents. A detailed claims history enables insurers to tailor their offers to your unique circumstances.
  3. Transparency and Trust
    Providing a confirmed claims experience fosters transparency between you and your insurer. It helps build trust that you’re disclosing all relevant information, enabling them to provide a suitable policy. Insurers rely on this documentation to verify the risk they are underwriting and to ensure that the fleet’s previous claims align with the information provided by the fleet manager or business owner.
  4. Negotiation and Leverage
    A favorable claims experience can give you leverage when negotiating quotes. If you have a strong track record with minimal claims, you can potentially negotiate for better terms or additional cover at a lower cost. Some insurers may even offer incentives such as discounted rates or enhanced cover options for fleets with exemplary claims records.
  5. Legal and Contractual Requirements
    Many insurers legally require a confirmed claims experience before issuing a quote, particularly for larger or more complex fleets. This requirement ensures that all parties are operating on a level playing field, preventing underinsurance or mispricing due to a lack of accurate data. Without a confirmed claims history, it becomes difficult for insurers to comply with regulations, leading to potential delays in securing the necessary cover.

How to Obtain Your Confirmed Claims Experience

To obtain your confirmed claims experience, contact your current or previous broker/insurer and request a claims experience letter or document. This should outline:

  • The total number of claims made
  • The types of claims (e.g., accidents, thefts, third-party liabilities)
  • The costs of each claim and total payout amount
  • The period of coverage reviewed (usually 3-5 years)

Ensure this information is up-to-date and accurate, as inconsistencies or missing details can delay your quotation process.


A confirmed claims experience is a vital part of securing the right motor fleet insurance. It allows insurers to assess the level of risk accurately, calculate appropriate premiums, and ensure transparency in the coverage offered. Fleet managers who maintain a clean claims record can benefit from better insurance terms, while those with less favorable histories can use this data to improve risk management strategies and potentially reduce future premiums. Ensuring you have this document ready when seeking a quotation will not only streamline the process but also help you secure the best possible deal for your fleet.

Ready to get started with a motor fleet insurance quotation? Ensure you have your confirmed claims experience ready, and contact us today for a tailored quote!

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